Well another year has gone by and Dakota’s doing great. The salivary gland problem has sped up though but our Vet has found some literature saying Tetracycline may slow it down or stop it, it seems to be helping and we want to exhaust all noninvasive options first. His weight is hovering between 85 and 90lbs, which is what the vet wanted to see him at after his first weigh in was 72 lbs when we got him. He still does just fine with Alkan, if anything Alkan is the dominant one at times, LOL. He has figured out how to knock him down by sneaking around from behind, little punk :). Anyway we just wanted to drop a little update and say thanks once again, I’m not sure we can remember life without his antics.
July 22, 2005October 2, 2022
Dakota – 07/22/2005
In Happy Tails