Kevin and I are still smitten with him! Kai has now met all three of our grandchildren. Our 13 year old grandson grew up with Kaiya and still misses her so. He was a bit unsure at first, but Kai would have none of that! Cameron warmed up to him after a few. Jade, our almost four year old granddaughter, immediately started to cry tears of joy as soon as she met Kai. Kai loved her up and Jade thoroughly enjoyed it! Our ten month old granddaughter didn’t care much because, you know, she’s only ten months old. Kai follows the girls all over the house. Kai had his first nail trim with us. He did great until the dremel was turned on. He immediately, in one smooth movement, backed up on to the outdoor couch and wrapped himself around Kevin. After we stopped laughing, we decided that the nail buffing will have to wait until next time.
We have gone on many walks and Kai hasn’t pulled much at all. Kai and Moto play all the time! So much so that sometimes we have to take them outside before they break something in the house! Kai has fit right in with our family and we are loving him to pieces!! Our lives and hearts are full!
August 23, 2020October 2, 2022
Kai – 08/23/2020
In Happy Tails