Thinking of rehoming your malamute?
We know that sometimes life happens and people find themselves unable to properly care for their malamute. Our greatest fear is that someone will feel so desperate that they consider giving or selling their malamute to a stranger. Without the required references and home checks performed by rescue groups, malamutes run the risk of being placed into improper homes. We want to ensure your loved one gets the home they deserve.
Before you make the decision to surrender, give away, or sell your malamute, we may be able to help you find solutions that will allow you to keep your malamute as a member of the family. While we can’t guarantee miracles, we do have extensive experience dealing with a multitude of issues and can certainly offer resources, suggestions, and alternatives to giving up your malamute.
We understand that sometimes despite best efforts it is necessary to rehome your malamute. In this case, we feel the best solution is for WAMAL to list the malamute for adoption and find them a new, loving home.
Please understand that we have very limited resources and our foster and kennel spots often remain and full capacity. We can only help as many as we have the foster space & resources for, and our primary mission is to save those who are in immediate need of our help.
Because of this, it’s necessary for us to prioritize the malamutes we take into rescue. Shelter Animals in danger of being euthanized are given first and top priority. Next are malamutes in need of immediate health care that their owners cannot provide. Then, owner surrenders are considered. Please be patient with us and we will do our best to work with you to ensure the safety and well-being of your malamute.
WAMAL encourages you to do whatever you need to do to keep your malamute at your home while we list them for adoption. WAMAL will work with you on how to make this work. It saves our limited resources for emergencies and it is a much less stressful option for the dog.

To inquire about surrendering a dog, please email with a detail description of your situation, your location and two quality photos of your malamute.
Please understand that we have very limited space and are not able to take dogs that need to be surrendered immediately.
WAMAL encourages you to check out these free resources to help list your dog for adoption: